jeudi 8 novembre 2012

Vincent Giraud à Kyoto

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Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient EFEO
Scuola Italiana di Studi sull'Asia Orientale ISEAS
(European Consortium for Asian Field Study, ECAF)
Tuesday, November 13th, 18:00h
co-hosted by the International Research Center (Institute for Research in
Humanities, Kyoto University)
This lecture will be held at the Institute for Research in Humanities
(IRH), Kyoto University (seminar room 4, no. 331, 3rd floor)
Decentering Existence: Nishitani and Augustine
Speaker: Vincent Giraud
Recognizing that the classical structures of metaphysics have collapsed,
Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990) substituted for them a set of ideas deriving
largely from Indian and East Asian Buddhism. He proposed a profound
rethinking of metaphysical themes beginning from the Buddhist conception
of "emptiness" or "nothingness". Meaningful here is the fact that he
ultimately assimilated the whole of his philosophical effort to his
concern to identify the nature of religion: Shukyo to wa nani ka? (What is
Indeed, the new conceptual apparatus built up by Nishitani makes sense
only for one able to undergo a religious conversion or turning-about, a
radical decentering of one's existence in the direction of emptiness,
which yields an authentic access to being. Nishitani gives an account of
conversion from metaphysical complacency or nihilistic despair to an
embrace of emptiness, and this can be grasped independently of specific
Buddhist teachings. Like Augustine (354-430), the supreme thinker of
conversion in the West, he brought philosophical thought and religious
quest into the closest possible conjunction. Nishitani's philosophical
grasp of the essence of religion brings him into mutually illuminating
proximity to Augustine, thus shedding a new light on the possible use of
Buddhist categories themselves for contemporary thought.
Vincent Giraud is currently a JSPS post-doctoral fellow at Kyoto
University, Department of Philosophy of Religion. He graduated from the
University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (MA, 1999), obtained the "Agrégation de
philosophie" in 2001, and his PhD in Ancient Philosophy in 2010
(University of Bordeaux III). Rooted in the tradition of French
phenomenology (Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Henry, Marion), his work now
focuses on the reception of Neoplatonism by the thinkers of the Kyoto
School. With Benoit Jacquet, he has published From the Things Themselves.
Architecture and Phenomenology (Kyoto: Kyoto University Press - EFEO,
2012), and is the author of Augustin, les signes et la manifestation
(Paris: PUF, "Epimethee", 2013, forthcoming).
For detailed directions:

Please contact the organizers directly (numbers below) if you have questions.
Kyoto Lectures are always free and open to all.

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)
Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS)
Phone: 075-761-3946
Fax: 075-761-3947
Phone: 075-751-8132
Fax: 075-751-8221


On peut lire en ligne plusieurs articles de Vincent Giraud grâce à sa page sur


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